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PUBG - Breaking abstraction about PUBG

Apr-18-2018 PST

This requires some accomplishment clashing bits boodle crates and aswell doesnt accomplish them money so you wont see this appear apparently ever. Sad fact, we dont accept convenance ambit because 1 man servers are "too hard" for butthole. Can anyone angle the gun mechanics for a standalone and afresh viola or something?

We dont accept the files to actualize custom games, which is why PUBG accomplice is a thing. A lot of of this is because "hackers", if they had admission to acceleration and accident numbers and bits but candidly hacking deceit get any worse in this game.

"Worse" hacking looks like dying in the 1st 5 abnormal to a hacker but afresh at atomic you didnt absorb 20 min annexation and killing humans to die beyond the map, through 3 walls to zionghu.

I was just watching a banderole with abounding admirers and it candidly looks like they accept some aim lock... I accept alleged out hackers in the accomplished in added amateur that were anticipation to be accepted to acquisition out afterwards on that my acceptance was correct.

Hacking is consistently traveling to be a botheration though.

It in actuality has to do with play appearance in account to how about it is you ambition to acquisition yourself in a angry bearings or not. For those accusatory about not accepting able to practice... Acreage in hot spots anniversary and every time. Your botheration is solved! What added do you want? Oh right, a convenance mode.

Well that is your convenance mode. You apprentice and do by doing. idk. A advancement like creating a convenance admission is an honest affirmation but it may or may not be implemented. Again, the acknowledgment is go and bead in hot spots and stop your bitching. Humans just ambition to win and if cannot, they resort to blaming others and or.... HACKING!

What do you value? What do you expect? What can you do with the time you have(value/expectation). If you ambition to get acceptable at something you accept to put in some time and practice. If you do not accept the time to put in, able-bodied you cannot apprehend abundant in agreement of accepting "better" than YOU were in the endure moment of play.

So if you cannot put in added time to accomplish that akin of abundance that you accept you are able of, well, no time in a convenance ambit is traveling to accommodate you with that akin of greatness...

That is aswell what is air-conditioned about the game... You do not accept to annihilate them all! lol. Seriously. You abstain the battles that you do not charge to activity to accomplish it to the ones that amount most(...live to activity accession day blazon of shit...).

"Oh, but afresh if I get to the end I consistently end up accepting out gunned!" That is a claimed botheration and it deals anon with what it is you EXPECT! and value.

Edit: The end of the bold is a lot about map adjustment any way of PUBG Skins... Position is 9/10th of the law in this bold no amount breadth you alpha or end up.