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​POE - Looking for an Alive Guild

Nov-06-2019 PST

Looking for a mature, English speaking, alive yet accidental brotherhood for Soft Core Alliance & Standard play, that does not crave or acerb animate animosity use. Harder Core would be absurd for me as the bold applicant crashes several times daily, afterwards admonishing and afterwards absurdity codes.

I usually use the Washington DC server. Although it is physically added from my location, it seems added abiding than the Texas server. As of late, both accept been abolition added frequently so I'm currently application the California server. I accept accomplished internet service.

I've been arena Path of Exile aback mid-3.4 Delve League. I accede my abilities & compassionate of the bold alone one-step over noobie. In the Legion league, I managed to get assimilate the album for the aboriginal time with a lot of help.

In the Blight league, I got assimilate the album with abundant beneath help. I'm learning, and acceptable added cocky reliant. I absorb absolutely a bit of time watching youtube videos and account the PoE Wiki to bigger accept the bold mechanics.

I am aswell researching why the bold applicant about crashes so frequently aback I accept a ablaze and shiny, new computer with all the accretion and whistles bare to play a high-intensity, clear dense, online bold such at Path of Exile.

Almost anon afterwards starting to play PoE I was recruited into a brotherhood breadth I remained until absolute recently. Over the months I became an administrator in the guild, but sadly... cipher abroad played from the guild, so didn't accept 'buddies' in the brotherhood to babble with or to accept 'lessons' from about the bold afterwards my recruiter vanished. The brotherhood administrator that recruited me has not been apparent nor heard from for over 3 months. No added admiral had been online aback I was recruited.

Whisper to me in bold or bulletin me actuality on reddit, if you anticipate we're a acceptable fit.

IGN Standard: PharoahQuail