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MapleStory - To access your accident calmly adapted now

Jul-16-2018 PST

If you feel underpowered, you can akin at the end breadth of temple of time until 170, afresh arch to omega breadth at 170. To access your accident calmly adapted now, if you haven't already:

- Get accessory weapon for your class, abeyant it and cube it until it has at atomic % capital carbon for your class.

- Do the aforementioned affair with apparition address brand and aureate chic emblem. These are both simple to get, quick google seek will acknowledgment how.

- Do gollux prequests, annihilate gollux circadian on hardest adversity you can handle, he drops a acceptable belt and chaplet if he dies, they are bigger if you can exhausted a college adversity of him. He aswell drops coins that you should save up to buy the aloft gollux earrings and ring, both Best in aperture and you can do it at your level, just takes a brace weeks of circadian killing gollux to get both.

- Annihilate simple magnus every day, he can bead some acceptable accept pieces that you'll accumulate for a while. Do magnus prequests too, maybe you can get anyone to backpack you through harder magnus who gives you absolute acceptable accessory as well.

- Join a guild, and cap addition with them daily. Already you ability a assertive bulk of contribution, guilds are accommodating to backpack you through cra, and cra drops fafnir accessory which is a huge advancement from frozen.

In 10 days, progression will be "easier" for reboot. With 25* you can assuredly say goodbye to arctic and plan on Pensalir.

You don't in actuality accept to delay for CRA anymore, unless you accept somebody who carries. Aback a top brilliant pensalir can be transferred to Fafnir it transitions in actuality accurately unto CRA.

Should I just accumulate leveling afresh off my accepted gear? I feel like i'm undergeared atm. Google says to alternation at omega breadth at 160 but i'm accepting 2-shotted by mobs.

You're traveling to feel undergeared consistently until you alpha agriculture mesos. If I were you afresh I would just delay for 25 stars and afresh try to 20 brilliant a Pensalir weapon and see how abundant added that cheapest Maplestory Mesos brings you.

Also if you're accepting 2-shotted afresh maybe that's not the adapted breadth to alternation for your doughy class.

Go to Ayumilove and attending at her training spots. If none of those plan out you can Kenta affair adventure to 180 appealing fast as well.