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​MapleStory M - What all the added phantoms are doing

Sep-09-2019 PST

What is everybody's assessment on which aggressive to abduct for phantom? I've done some analysis (searched in subreddit) and aswell just looked at them all. There's three that stick out and I'd like to apprehend what all the added phantoms are doing.

I'd aswell be application time bound for the gaps in duration. All three's cooldown is 300s.

Here they are laid out.

Cry Valhalla

- Addict Duration: 150s

- KBK RES: 32

- Final DMG Increase: 10%

- PHY ATK Increase: 25%

Dark Thirst

- Addict Duration: 180s

- PHY ATK Increase: 30%

- HP Recovery: 1%

Bullseye Shot

- Addict Duration: 150s

- Crit Rate: 10%

- PHY ATK Increase: 10%

- PHY DMG Increase: 10%

Flip of the Coin (can be ample 5x)

- Cooldown: 10s

- Addict Duration: 40s

- PHY ATK Increase: 3%

- Crit DMG (%): 2%

From what I understand:

- Aboriginal 10s

- PHY ATK Increase: 3%

- Crit DMG(%): 2%

- 10s to 20s

- PHY ATK Increase: 6%

- Crit DMG (%): 4%

- 20s to 30s

- PHY ATK Increase: 9%

- Crit DMG (%): 6%

- 30s to 40s

- PHY ATK Increase: 12%

- Crit DMG (%): 8%

And I assumption it would cap actuality because it's been 40s and the aboriginal one wore off. I did the formatting on adaptable so I achievement aggregate looks right.