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​MapleStory M - Some austere issues the bold charge to solve

Nov-12-2019 PST

Some austere issues the bold charge to abode to accumulate the player-base. As a paying amateur who started the bold on the aboriginal day of Global Launch, I eventually absitively to quit. I still adulation the bold and feel beholden to the bold developer and the community, who accept bought me actually abundant moments with the game. As my final addition to the game, I would like to allotment some austere issues which accept induced me as able-bodied as several adept players that I apperceive to leave the game. Hopefully the bold developers can accede and advance the game.

1, Repetitive arid circadian tasks: it has been a continued time that those circadian tasks like Elite Dungeon, Nett, Mulung, Expedition... became burdens to me than something fun. I accept to spent over an hour a day on accomplishing these things, which I am not adequate at all. However, if I skip them, I will abatement aback abaft (e.g., no mulung chaplet etc), MaplestoryM Mesos so they accept become arid duties I accept to cautiously backpack daily. This started the abstraction of “quitting”, as I don’t see a point to absorb my leisure time on something I don’t like.

2, The luck aspect is too huge: With lots of small-success-rate adumbration scrolls accustomed free, abounding F2P players accept got 3 - 4 adumbration equipments afterwards any money spent. Others who aren‘t so advantageous may accept 0, including paying and accomplished players. Moreover, with the addition of acclaim abortion count, the luck aspect is angled up. Too huge luck agency in bold will actively abash players to absorb time and money on bold if the luck isn’t on their ancillary (e.g., anyone keeps declining acclaim afterwards lots of harder plan to get allegorical jahin as materials). Luck aspect is all-important for the bold to be added interesting, but if players accept to await on it to progress, abounding afflicted players will quit. I accept for the bold to thrive, players should be adored for their harder work, either in-game by agriculture hard, or out-game by alive harder to acquire money and absorb on the game.

3, Imbalanced jobs: Admitting players are disconnected in which chic charge to be buffed, they all accede that the jobs are actively imbalanced. If a P2P amateur who formed actually harder and spent lots on the bold still deals beneath accident than a accidental F2P amateur just because of the imbalanced ability amid jobs, it will abash humans to advance added into the game.

4, Stall of progress: Afterwards akin 181 with abounding top-to-toe allegorical accouter akin 30, there is no action to enhance the appearance anymore. To advance further, it will be lots of harder plan and/or money for tiny improvements. Comparing to the time if we body our accouter from different to allegorical to mythic, the aggregate to advance afterwards abounding allegorical set is just too high. And afterwards the advance is adjourned for sometime, players will alpha activity bored, which will abet them to attending for addition game.

The account goes on, but aloft are the a lot of austere credibility that calm advance to my accommodation to quit. I accept this applies to abounding added players as well. I achievement Nexon can accede this, and body a long-living Maplestory M.