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​MapleStory M - R > Allegorical On Scania - America

May-09-2019 PST

# About Mythic

Early brotherhood that has survived the abounding changes that MSM had aback launch. We acquire associates from about the world, mostly alive amid USA timezones [UTC-4 ~ UTC-8]. We are anon rebuilding our amateur abject so, we acquire some slots available.

# Brotherhood Stats

* Brotherhood Name: Mythic

* Server: Scania - America

* Brotherhood Level: 20

* Brotherhood Banquet: 9:30 PM AST [UTC-4]

* Expedition #1: Any

* Expedition #2: Zakum [Chaos], Horntail [Hard], and Pink Bean [Hard]

* Brotherhood Fort: Yes. Matchmaking alpha time gets absitively on a day by day basis.

* Check-in rewards: Amid 30 and 40

# Brotherhood Skills

* Meso(Maplestory M Meso) Acquisition Aggregate Increase: Akin 1

* EXP Acquisition Aggregate Increase: Akin 10

* PHY/MAG DMG Increase: Akin 10

* SPD Increase: Akin 0

* Accepted Abundance Discount: Akin 10

* Brotherhood Member Increase: Akin 10

# Requirements

* Level: 130+ (151+ preferred)

* Weapon: Legendary+ (Mythic preferred)

* Equipment: Unique+ (Legendary preferred)

* Chargeless to Play players welcome!

* Accomplishing Brotherhood Dungeon is aswell acerb encouraged. The added humans that complete it, the bigger the rewards! * Joining our Discord is mandatory. DM me for invite, or use the afterward allure cipher ==> x2DvKTw

** Joining our Discord server is appropriate for us to be able to analysis on you, acquaint you of runs and events, and it helps us alike runs, Brotherhood Fort, and parties added efficiently.