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Maplestory - I accept a few catechism about whats new

Aug-17-2018 PST

I chock-full arena MapleStory 6 months ago or so, and I absitively to appear aback (I will not play NA reboot tho this time) I accept a few catechism about whats new...

1.About reboot, I noticed in the application agenda video a band about monster bottomward accessory accompanying to the chic which i will not accept afore anyone actuality affirm that, so what about CPQ and Csolo quest, do they now bead items accompanying to the chic or as trollish as before? aswell how is the eu reboot, i apperceive it can't be compared to the NA one in admeasurement but still i would adopt arena with eu time humans if i absitively to go reboot.

2.Also in that video I noticed they traced a gollux annual that you can't get addition archetype of, do they advertise absolute bulk of adornment ring now?

3.Any hotlink for the accepted best in aperture afterwards the 25*, I apprehend theories months ago about the 25* brilliant giving a adventitious for the added set items to accept a atom (I in fact animosity the aloft annual starring+sweetwatering them , so idk if they are still the best).

4.About monad affair alcove is it there always as a agreeable or limited? and any hotlink for a adviser for it, aswell is it repeatable per class? the exp from accomplishing a date was a acceptable one so idk if it has a atom in the leveling way.

5.My endure catechism is about bera na, bold i will not go reboot, how is the server, can a dolphin attack for a acceptable accessory to do the accommodation , and is it faster absolute progression that reboot? (Ignoring the accessory part)

Friggin said that...

As to your aboriginal question, mobs bead accessory for your chic only, abandoned in KMS accessible maps. Non-KMS maps bead randomly, like commerci.

They do not advertise absolute gollux rings/earrings. If you boomed it, that's it.

As to bera playing, you CAN beforehand afterwards spending a coinsion dollars, absolutely. If you're accommodating to absorb some money, antecedent beforehand is faster than reboot, but reboot will bound bolt up. There are faster elements in non approved servers, but already you ability the 25k carbon threshold, that's breadth you'll acquisition advanced on bera will bulk austere cash.

Yes I apperceive humans get added than that f2p, and you can too, but that's up to you to apperceive if you'll play chargeless or not. For archetype my burn was at 34k stat, and my resellable items abandoned were annual about 700-800$.

That doesn't cover the accessory And adumbration I had to cube and bpot cube myself, it doesn't cover the 2 30% Sweetwater accessories.

If you affliction beneath about beeline damage, added about cosmetics, and adopt to be able to buy QoL things for your chars, bera is bigger for you. Reboot is best for humans who ambition to play added f2p and don't Live for cosmetics.

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