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​FIFA - Feel chargeless to ask any questions about FIFA19

Sep-18-2018 PST

Hey comrades, I played about 25 hours of FIFA 19 during the abduction event, and abounding added above-mentioned to that.

What I played is declared to be appealing abundant final, so I anticipation I'd allotment my evolving thoughts on what I anticipate is good, bad, and ugly.

This "review in progress" focuses just on gameplay and so it's apprenticed to change in the future, but the day 1 adaptation of the bold is traveling to finer be the same.

#1 Good: Added Astute Passing

I anticipate casual was harder in beforehand builds and maybe they acquainted it due to feedback, but it's still challenging. It's about cool to accurately ping pong at 180 degrees with characterless passers, or to accomplish pixel absolute cantankerous angle passes afterwards anyone like Modric or Scholes.

It's in actuality not cool to accomplish abundant passes with worse players, but the allowance of absurdity is appealing huge. Even a simple abut about-face from one FB to the added will crave authentic aiming and power.

I've played with approved players and with the best icons in the game. Casual charcoal appealing connected which I'm blessed about, but I'm in actuality anxious about the continued appellation future.

If casual is harder now but a guy like Modric can cull off crazy passes somewhat regularly, what do his in anatomy versions attending like? Will casual still be arduous in December if anybody has a cool powered team?

I'm not sure. Appropriate now it's abundant and I achievement it stays that way.

#2 Bad AND Ugly: Ambition Kicks

Goal bliss in FIFA 19 are bizarre. They feel like they accept no adeptness and aim consistency. You can artlessly tap the lob button and sometimes it will go to your CDM but sometimes it goes to your striker.

We're talking about a division bar of adeptness here.

I'm all for a bigger accomplishment gap and added arduous gameplay, but this is in actuality overkill. It feels added torn than challenging.

Every time you accept a ambition bang in FIFA 19, you run the accident of artlessly alms the brawl to your enemy.

#3 Good: "50/50 Battles"

IMO, they should accept just said "yo the bold has new ai and physics brrruuuh." 50/50 sounds like adventitious and randomness to me, but that's not what it is in game.

I'm athrill to say that about every time players bang in FIFA 19, the aftereffect acquainted like it should accept happened. It's acutely not perfect, but it doesn't feel cool accidental like it does in 18.

The aforementioned goes for the ball, it bounces added realistically, and I about had any instances breadth I acquainted like it was out of ascendancy and random.

#4 Not Abiding If Good/Bad/Ugly: Timed Finishing and Accepted Shooting

On paper, I adulation timed finishing. Accepting to time your attempt if you wish to be added acceptable adds an intricate band of abyss to advancing and accommodation making.

In practice, I'm just not abiding if it works as it should. I denticulate affluence of screamers afterwards timed finishing. Does that beggarly approved shots should be nerfed? u/fifastallion misssed affluence of altogether timed finishes adjoin me. Does that beggarly timed finishing should be buffed?

I accept no clue. All I apperceive appropriate now is that afterwards 25 hours with the final game, I'm still ass at shooting. Is it the bold or is it me? Time will tell.

#5 Good: New Tactics, Instructions, and AI

They weren't badinage about afterlight the AI. It doesn't auto advance or auto advance for you, but instead, it listens to your commands and executes them in actuality how you wish to.

I messed about with custom approach a lot. Anniversary advantage accessible creates desperate playstyle differences. You can FINALLY play advanced with effectiveness! Will it be WL Elite 1 levels of effective? I accept no clue, but I'm in actuality absolute blessed that wingers and abounding backs can accomplish able combinations now.

You can acquaint your FBs to accomplish overlapping or astern runs, and they listen.

You can aswell acquaint your axial mids to break axial on defense, instead of accoutrement the wings. This apprenticeship is a freaking allowance from the gods. One of the affidavit advanced formations were never acceptable was because your aggregation would alluvion advanced to ample gaps.

Now you can assuredly advance your appearance defensively and carry the adversary assimilate the wings.

Just be careful, because bridge and branch is way bigger this year.

#6 Not Abiding If Good/Bad/Ugly: The R3 Flick

Click in R3 and you barrage the brawl into the air. Accumulate exhausted it for juggles that you can distill and admixture with. You can even volley/bicycle kick.

Now this is either one of those things that FIFA players will acclimate to and add to their arsenals, or this is one of those things that's traveling to be cool duper annoying.

I'm in actuality accept with added skilling options, but I don't wish to go aback to FIFA 16 breadth 1 accepting can accomplishment through an absolute aggregation with basal effort.

#7 Good: Animations and Responsiveness

The bold feels super fluid. Will that authority up in the Weekend League? We'll see. But the bulk of new animations in this bold is appealing spectacular. It feels so altered the additional you alpha dribbling with the ball.

There are added animations for just about every blazon of bearings in the game, which agency players are added acceptable to behave how you wish them to.

I just achievement it stays that way. I played online a agglomeration but it was adjoin opponents in actuality in the aforementioned amphitheatre as me, so I can't in actuality allege to servers and net cipher at all.

#8 All-embracing Thoughts

I'm in actuality adequate this game. It's clashing FIFA 18 and 17 completely, but it still feels accustomed if you're a fan of football. I'm acquisitive to see how the meta evolves.

With so abounding new things in the bold at once, it'll be a in actuality big claiming to advance a able antithesis in the game, abnormally as souped up appropriate cards get alien to the game.

My capital affair is about how the bold will advance over time, and I achievement that it's in the appropriate direction.

Anyway comrades, acknowledgment for account and feel chargeless to ask me any questions about the game! Cheers.