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​Elder Scrolls Blades - Even Added Abyss Enchanting Questions

Jul-19-2019 PST

I accept aggregate that the best accessory for Abyss is Daedric Mail bugged with resistances, but I still accept a few questions.

I accept arrested added accoutrement but couldn't acquisition absolute answers. I am Lv. 47, appropriate Abyss recommended 36 with a almanac of 47. Acknowledgment to the contempo event, I will be unlocking Dragonbone and max enchantments this week.

1, Is there any point to the “increase healing furnishings from potions, food, and skills” benefit enchantment? I bulk with bloom on adornment and gloves it could be advantageous still.

2, Is it bigger to accept bloom or backbone annexation on gloves and jewelry?

3, This one was debated a lot, but should I allure shock/poison/frost and just assurance that my blaze is handled by Daedric, or should I canal one and alter it with a added fire?

4, Is it account missing out on Spell Abide for the assorted attrition while critical?

5, How abundant does About-face in fact addition the slashing and blaze resist?

Thank you. I accept apprehend bags of column and can't acquisition bisected of this stuff, buy The Elder Scrolls Blades Gold. I just wish to be able for if I accept admission to max enchants and can accomplish acceptable weapons.

I anticipate I just charge to accomplish some acceptable accessory and afresh some money to alpha about-face it afore I can accomplish it added in.