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​W0W Classic - What server should I play on

Aug-05-2019 PST

As a gamer who would've been 5 during the absolution of Classic W0W, I didn't get to adore the bold abundant aback then. I played W0W with my dad on thunderhorn and afterwards that I went to alliance.

I'm accessible to arch aback to my roots and bang some abhorrent accord ass. What's a adequate band pvp server? I'm acquisitive to contrivance the big streamers but candidly I wouldn't in actuality mind of cheap classic W0W gold. They adeptness be a fun way to actualize apple pvp.

What servers acquire you guys acclimatized on (both accessory and horde)? HalseyStreetStation said that...

Choosing your server in Classic will be easy:

- What region/timezone are you in? [Example: Europe]

- What accent do you speak? [Example: English]

- Do you wish PVP, PVE, or RP? [Example: PVP]

Congratulations, there is one server that fits your criteria, go there!

For Oceania and the Americas, it's even easier:

- What timezone are you in? [Example: Eastern]

- Do you wish PVP, PVE, or RP? [Example: PVP]

Congratulations, there is one server that fits your criteria, go there!