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​The Division 2 - Advantage Leveling Strategy

Mar-13-2019 PST

I accursed up google docs and fabricated a artist for my aisle to unlocking perks. I acquisition that air-conditioned fun to do, while I adjournment for the bold to launch.

Here's an overview of my plan, in case it's accessible for others.

# Advantage Overview

There are 20 allowances in Division 2. They crave SHD Tech to unlock, which is acquired by award SHD Caches about the city, commutual assertive missions and leveling up.

All allowances can apparently be apart in any order, with the barring of: Harder Bounties, which requires aboriginal award Otis Sykes for your Abject of Operations, and Signature Weapon Ammo, which requires you to be akin 30 afore you may alleviate it.

# Advantage Costs

- All allowances bulk 1 SHD Tech to alleviate the aboriginal level, except for: Field Proficiency Cache (costs 2) and Signature Weapon Ammo (costs 3)

- Crafting Materials, Resources, Account and Armor Kits allowances anniversary accept three levels and bulk 1 point for the aboriginal level, 2 credibility for the added akin and 3 credibility for the third level. This agency you get the best acknowledgment on investment for the aboriginal point spent on those accurate allowances aback the allowances admission the aforementioned bulk at anniversary level, even admitting the bulk increases.

- Detection has two levels, costing 1 and 2 credibility each.

# Advantage Alleviate Strategy

I adulation levelling up in The Division, and I'm a lot of aflame to alleviate Specializations at akin 30 and accessible up the abounding acquaintance of Apple Tier 1 as anon as possible, so I'm allotment to buy allowances in the adjustment that will advice me best accomplish that all-embracing goal.

I'm acrimonious allowances that will advice me get to end bold and allowances that will advice me abstain crumbling opportunities, such as blow abstracts because I haven't apart the advantage to backpack abundant accepting yet.

# Advantage Order:

This is the adjustment in which I plan to alleviate perks, with their point bulk (in SHD Tech) and reasoning:

1 - I accept Weapon Aperture is binding during the accession of the Quartermaster at the White House, so the aboriginal point goes there.

2 - Accomplishment Aperture is the next pick, giving you two accomplishment slots, because the advantage is just so able in allowance get through agreeable and akin up faster, thereby accepting SHD Tech faster.

3 - Accolades 1-5 are the next antecedence - all 5 of them. They are bargain at 1 point anniversary and in actuality dispatch up leveling and admission to the the Apple Tier experience. I activated them throughout the beta and begin them to in actuality dispatch up leveling compared to humans afterwards them unlocked.

4 - Deconstruction 1 and Deconstruction 2 are the next priority, so I aerate all the crafting accommodation I can get and not decay anything. Crafting apparatus are acclimated for every akin of crafting, even endgame, so I will save items in my backing until I get the Deconstruction perk.

5- Field Proficiency Cache. This is one of the few allowances that costs two points, but it's annual accepting aboriginal so every Cache opened has a adventitious of added gear, which will advice leveling and eventually accommodate added crafting materials. You get a Cache every individual akin from 1-30 and afterwards akin 30 through accepting experience, like the old Division 1 system.

6 - Restock 1: Armor Kits. This allowances in actuality helps action for just 1 point, so I'm avaricious it here. The next akin of restock is for grenades, which is abundant beneath critical, so I'm extenuative that for later. This agency every time you admission a Settlement, Safe House,DZ Entrance Room, or Abject of Operations you'll get abounding Armor Kits.

7 - Detection 1 and Detection 2. If this advantage is active, it's INCREDIBLY nice to have, abnormally aboriginal game, so I accent accepting it adequately aboriginal aback you'll be liberating so abounding ascendancy credibility throughout the attack and commutual projects that crave donations. It's complete for an early-game purchase.

8 - Crafting Abstracts 1, Resources 1 and Account 1 are the next perks. It's just 1 point anniversary and it will advice ensure I don't overflow any of those areas. The next levels bulk added points, so just 1 point for now.

9 - Armor Kit 1. This advantage is abandoned one point and is a nice acceptable affair to accept for alive around.

10 - Backing 1. If you don't accept the copy of the bold that gets you the abounding backing early, bandy a point into it actuality to accord you breath room. Afterwards levels of Backing bulk 2 and 3 points, so you can adjournment those until abundant later. The capital acumen to even accede backing amplitude aboriginal is to acquiesce you to save some of the best leveling items you get in anniversary slot, if you are planning on authoritative 1-3 alts afterwards in your career. You can save some "god rolled" accoutrements and armor pieces in your stash, abnormally if they accept +XP, and use them to akin quicker.

11 - Muzzle 1-4, Grip 1-2, Optics 1-2, Annual 1-4. Buy a lot of of those now aback they are bargain at 1 point anniversary and will advice add some DPS to your firearms. Accent the ones that accept the best ROI for the accoutrements you like to use. I would buy Annual 4 last, aback it's just for sidearms.

12 - Armor Kits 2. Admission armor kit accommodation to advice in tougher missions.

13 - Crafting Abstracts 2, Resources 2 and Account 2. It's a acceptable time to buy the added akin of those allowances now, to ensure they don't adeptness their cap.

14 - Restock 2: Grenades. This is a acceptable time to accent this advantage that fills your armament account if you restock by entering any safe location.

15 - Armor Kits 3. Final admission in armor kit accommodation to advice in tougher missions.

16 - Crafting Abstracts 3, Resources 3 and Account 3. Accomplishment up the allowances that admission accustomed capacity. I'd accent based on breadth I'm activity the a lot of accent on accommodation aback anniversary of these levels will bulk 3 points.

17 - Backing 2 and 3. Accomplishment up the backing admeasurement perks.

18 - Armament 1, 2 and 3. Admission armament capacity. If you adulation application grenades, you can grab a point against this advantage earlier, but I accent this low aback the absence grenades aren't complete acceptable until you get Specializations at akin 30.

19 - Loadsouts. Lowest antecedence for me, aback you get a few for free.

Special Case - Harder Bounties 1 and 2. As anon as I alleviate Otis Sykes, I'll get Harder Bounties akin 1 and akin 2. He is apart afterwards in the bold according to the latest Accompaniment of the Game.

Special Case - Signature Weapon Ammo. Get this as anon as you hit akin 30, it's 3 points, but it will accomplish key fights quicker, abnormally bounties.

# Other:

Other Skills. SHD Tech is aswell acclimated for added accomplishment unlocks, so accede which accomplishment you wish to use during the leveling process. I intend to alleviate just 2 or 3, but annihilation abroad until I've bought all the perks.

# Summary:

In total, you'll absorb about 75 SHD Tech unlocking all of the accepted perks, additional 5 credibility for anniversary accomplishment alternative that you wish to unlock.

I achievement this was absorbing and even helpful.

PC Ubisoft ID is Doomsaw616 if you would like to akin up with me at the midnight absolution of aboriginal access.

See you in a few canicule and accept fun! And MMOGO offer cheapest The Division 2 Boosting service.