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RuneScape - From Weapon Assortment to The Evolution of Weaponry

Sep-17-2019 PST

Introduction: On Weapon Diversity

As you all know, the weapon assortment amend has acutely been cancelled. This is a sad but acceptable thing: sad because we as a amateur abject wish a acceptable acumen to use a array of weaponry, acceptable because the designs proposed and activated were not truly assorted enough. They would accept afflicted the meta slightly, but they would not accept afflicted enough. In the afterward post, I will adduce a far added all-encompassing amend (more like a abounding agreeable amend that I would appropriately cede an Anachronia or even beyond sized amend for) with the aim to accomplish designing approaching weapon rewards easier, added diverse, and added unique.

Currently, weapons are adapted by tiers, weapon perks, and appropriate attacks. Diversifying by coffer is not a acceptable diversifying band-aid because if anybody had according admission to the aforementioned accessory behindhand of money, a lot of players with abundant game adeptness would aces the aforementioned accessory for the aforementioned bearings bold they are acrimonious the aforementioned action style, alone abnegating switches based on accomplishment or adapted bulk of appropriate attention. Weapon allowances alter weapons in the aforementioned way current appropriate attacks do: as switches. This is added able because it encourages a amateur to own variants of the aforementioned weapon, or a specific weapons to accomplish a adapted effect. This adapted aftereffect able by switching is about one of a few things: college accident achievement (either individual ambition or breadth of effect), a debuff on the enemy, or a self-buff. This switchscape as it is called, about after-effects in an account of weapon switches in adjustment to accomplish the able damage per minute accessible accustomed a player's accomplishment level. This is abundant for the game's accomplishment cap, admitting about arresting to the added accidental players.

The Aims:

The aim of weapon assortment was about to differentiate weapon types from anniversary other, to accord anniversary weapon a accurate action or account to use. However, this was gone about by abundantly modifying dps in one way or addition and as the j-mods said, at the end of the day, players would just end up acrimonious the weapons with the able dps modifiers. They came to the aforementioned cessation as abounding humans did: that would be arid and beneath diverse.

The aims of what I am calling "The Evolution of Weaponry" (called EOW from actuality on) is similar, but is two fold. The beneath important ambition is to not heavily nerf switchscape, but to accomplish it a acquainted accommodation as a play style. I will go over this afterwards the added important goal. The added important ambition of EOW is to accord anniversary weapon type, and in some cases specific weapons, a acceptable acumen to own and use them. This will be able by classifying weapons, not just by their appearance (melee, mage, range) or by their blazon (dagger, bow, staff, wand, axes, etc.) or by their handedness (dual wield, two handed), but by what I will alarm their class. There are three weapon classes in EOW listed as follows with their capital architecture components.

The Weapon Classes:

1. Basal Weapons: These are weapons that are advised to be camped, to be acclimated as the constant weapon in combat. This is the weapon that you can yield into any action bearings (given the coffer of the weapon is suitable) and do appealing well in. These weapons are one of the two backbones of weapon diversity. These weapons are actively altered from one addition aural their style. Axes are altered than swords are altered than daggers. Bows are altered than crossbows. Staffs are altered than wands. These weapons are differentiated not by acquiescent furnishings but by abilities, not two handed vs bifold wield, but by one individual adeptness alleged "weapon basal attack." This is a basal adeptness altered to each weapon blazon in this weapon class. Just as the accepted "weapon appropriate attack" adeptness changes depending on the weapon you wield, this "weapon basal attack" would aswell change. To disincentivise switching amid basal weapons to achieve best dps by application this ability, "weapon basal attack" goes on a cooldown for 6-10 abnormal (needs a bulk cruncher to balance) whenever you about-face weapons. This is the hardest of the three classes to design.

2. Account Weapons: This is the added courage of EOW. These are weapons that can be acclimated either as a switch, or camped as a constant weapon. Account weapons, clashing basal weapons, are not acceptable for every action bearings as the admission to the "weapon basal attack" adeptness gives basal weapons a slight dps advantage over these in accepted combat. These account weapons, instead of accepting their own altered adeptness for their type, instead accept a altered acquiescent for their blazon that gives them either added abilities, or greater admission to abilities. Examples of this already in bold are defenders which acquiesce bifold administer abilties in their corresponding style, as able-bodied as arresting abilities, shieldbows which do the same but alone for range, chinchompas which enhance ranged abilities and autoattacks to become breadth of effect, and halberds which extend the advance ambit of the affray appearance of combat. These weapons about accommodate abundantly added dps in specific affairs such as if a amateur needs to hit assorted enemies or wants to Revenge and Berserk/Death's Swiftness/Sunshine/Metamorphosis at the aforementioned time to accomplish about cool levels of damage. These weapons can aswell be used by accidental players to set up AFK adeptness confined on anarchy that accredit abundantly able apache and sometimes bossing due to the added abilities or admission to defensives easily.

3. Appropriate Weapons: Appropriate weapons are about alone advised to be switches, abnormally at the college levels of combat. These are weapons such as the Seren Godbow, Guthix Staff, Zaros Godsword, Granite Maul (for alcove speedkilling situations), Statius Warhammer, Dragon Battleaxe, etc. These are weapons with appropriate attacks. These weapons are counterbalanced so that the a lot of admired allotment of the weapon is their appropriate advance (though conceivably not on purpose in the reside game like the Seren Godbow). Abounding of these weapons are too big-ticket or far to abstract in the reside bold to advance at the top level, so the a lot of accepted appropriate advance weapons are the Seren Godbow, Guthix Staff, Statius Warhammer, and Zaros Godsword. These appropriate attacks accord bulk to the weapon by either giving top admission damage, debuffing the enemy, or buffing the amateur application them. In EOW this is continued, but the weapons are re-balanced somewhat about these special attacks so that it is the appropriate attack, not the stats of the weapon that accord the weapon its bulk and use case. These weapons can be of any tier, any style, and any chic as they are specific weapons. EOW would absorb a re-balancing of all appropriate attacks from the boilerplate cartilage artful all the way to the bang-up Zaros Godsword, not to accomplish every appropriate advance best in slot, but to accomplish every appropriate advance accessible or conceivably account it for the price. Example: cartilage dagger's appropriate advance costs 75% adrenaline for a debuff you can get from the adeptness Convulse for 15% adrenaline. The cartilage dagger's appropriate advance is arguably added big-ticket than convulse as Convulse alone takes leveling to admission admitting the bone artful costs a tiny bulk of money and a adventure to admission and use. It should be counterbalanced appropriately either in capability of the appropriate advance (a bad idea) or the adrenaline bulk (reduced to 15% to bout Convulse in adjustment to accomplish it the easier to use as it can be acclimated as anon as the amateur has 15% adrenaline, and the aloft debuff afterwards the decidedly college accident or breadth of aftereffect account of Quake). Addition example: Zaros Godsword gets looked at for re-balancing, and conceivably has it's abject accident bargain to t90 due to its admirable appropriate attack, but is contrarily banausic (or it charcoal in fact banausic because it is an abnormally big-ticket weapon).

*One important agenda for these weapon classes is that their designs are absolute to anniversary class. A basal weapon does not accept a appropriate attack, nor does a account weapon, and a account weapon does not get its own "basic weapon attack" ability. Exceptions would be defenders which could accept the "weapon basal attack" of the mainhanded weapon. Shieldbow's do not get this treatment.

The advantage of this weapon chic arrangement is that anniversary chic has altered advantages, and altered affidavit to use that weapon chic as able-bodied as alteration the playstyle depending abnormally on whether a amateur is application basal weapons or account weapons, while both get admission to appropriate weapons as fun, flashy, and able switches. On top of this, the designers of bang-up rewards, adventure rewards, skilling rewards (that are weapons), etc. can accept bright guidelines and agency of adding counterbalanced bulk to weapons. These classes accomplish added assorted rewards possible.

So, with this weapon chic arrangement in mind, we now charge to attending at what could be the abilities of the basal weapons and the passives of the account weapons especially. Appropriate weapons already abide and mostly charge a rebalancing, and reassignment from absolute weapons that would bigger fit the account weapon chic (like the Noxious Scythe), or the basal weapon class.

Basic Weapons and their "basic weapon attacks": [Cooldowns and accident are accountable to acclimation of course]


Daggers - basal adeptness that can be accursed off of all-around cooldown for 10-18% adeptness accident with a cooldown of 5 abnormal (this is hardly added adeptness accident than Crackling 3 bold an boilerplate of 14% adeptness accident per use)

Swords (Long, short, and 2h including rapiers and khopeshes) - basal adeptness that parries the next hit adjoin the player, abbreviation accident by 75% and ambidextrous a allotment of adeptness damage

Axes (dual administer and 2h) - basal adeptness that applies a "flinch" debuff ("flinch" debuff makes bleeds like annihilation accord accident like they adversary had confused during the bleed)

Hammers (Warhammers and Mauls) - basal adeptness that applies the "heft" addict to the player, authoritative the next adeptness hit for 100% added accident but bulk 15% adrenaline (next adeptness can be acclimated afore 50% adrenaline and still get the benefit)

Claws - basal adeptness that adds a stacking drain debuff to the ambition that increases in consequence anniversary time this adeptness is used, caps at a assertive percentage

Maces - basal adeptness that deals accretion accident based on the players adoration akin or points


Staffs (2h) - basal adeptness that fires an auto advance off of all-around cooldown, blank the autoattack cooldown with a 6 ticks but costs bifold the runes of an auto attack

Wand and Orb/Book - basal adeptness that allows the next ability, excluding ultimates, to not activate a cooldown


Shortbows/Longbows (including chargebows) (not shieldbows) - basal adeptness that deals accident and reduces the all-around cooldown by 1 exhausted for the next two abilties with a 10 additional cooldown

Crossbows (dual administer and 2h) - basal adeptness that either deals added accident if the equiped bolts are not enchanted, or guaruntees the bugged bolt aftereffect procs with a 10 additional cooldown

Darts and Knives - basal adeptness that is a guarunteed analytical hit

Utility Weapons: [again, accountable to acclimation and redesign]


Halberds - charcoal as in reside bold with one added aboveboard of advance range, including on breadth of aftereffect abilties

Defenders - charcoal as in reside bold acceding admission to bifold administer and absorber abilities

Hastas *New Weapon blazon - allows admission to 1h and 2h affray abilities as a one handed weapon with no abrupt equivalent, 1h absolute abilties ache 10% bargain damage

Spears - allows use of 2h ranged basal abilities (usable aural 5 squares) at the bulk of 15% bargain accident for those abilities (damage and accurateness affected off of affray accident and accuracy) (like you can bandy the spear)

Whips - abilties hit in a 2 aboveboard cone in foreground of the player


One Handed Staffs *New Weapon blazon - allows admission to 1h and 2h abracadabra abilities as a one handed weapon with no abrupt equivalent, no accident amends to abilties

Rebounders - charcoal as in reside bold acceding admission to bifold administer and absorber abilities

Magic gloves *New Weapon Blazon - admission to bifold administer abracadabra abilities, all abilities are agrarian ambidextrous breadth of aftereffect accident at the bulk of 15% damage, but breeding added adrenaline


Throwing Axes - allows use of affray bifold administer basal abilties (usable in affray range) with a 15% accident amends to those abilities (like application the axes as affray weapons) (damage and accurateness affected off of ambit accident and accuracy)

Javelins - allows use of 2h affray alpha abilties (usable in affray range) with a 15% accident amends to those abilities (like application the javelin as a spear) (damage and accurateness affected off of ambit accident and accuracy)

Salamanders - allows use of abracadabra basal abilities with appropriate runes (damage and accurateness affected off of ambit accident and accuracy)

Shieldbows - charcoal as in reside game, admission to 2h abilities and absorber abilities

Repriser - charcoal as in reside bold acceding admission to bifold administer and absorber abilities

Chinchompa - charcoal as in reside bold authoritative all abilities breadth of affect at the bulk of auto advance adrenaline gain

If you accept any suggestions for basal weapon attacks, or for account weapon passives, feel chargeless to leave them in the comments.

Addressing Switchscape:

Now assimilate the additional ambition of EOW, acclamation switchscape. Lucky for us, the developers accept fabricated an simple way to abode switchscape: perks. I adduce that if switching weapons or armor, there is a debuff activated to the amateur alleged "fumbling" that caps the player's hitchance adjoin the adversary at 80-85%, but this accurateness debuff DOES NOT APPLY if switching to or from the "special weapon" class, or weapons with appropriate attacks. This will bridle switching for one adeptness to something like a Terrasaur Maul or a flanking, but will not bridle switching to a Guthix Agents or a Seren Godbow. It aswell will not abundantly affect a buried anxiety about-face as that is not for an abhorrent adeptness anyway.

However, in adjustment to acquiesce switchscape to still be a adopted play appearance for those who adulation their accomplishments per minute, actualize a advantage alleged "Quick Hands" that can be activated to either weapons or armor as a advantage that takes two accoutrement slots like Added Devoted or Added Efficient, that prevents the "fumbling" debuff from applying. This advantage would be fabricated from apparatus acquired from disassembling weapons with appropriate attacks. The advantage would alone charge to be on a section of armor (to administer to all switches) or to one weapon able during the aforementioned exhausted as the about-face to anticipate the debuff from applying.

With these changes to the accepted accompaniment of combat, I accept action could become a added assorted and fun activity. Thank you for account my Ted Talk.

P.S. If anyone with an alive cheep feels absorbed to advanced this to Mod Shawny, Timbo, and anyone abroad who would affliction to apprehend it, amuse do so. I am a amusing media inept millennial.