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RS - The Old Academy aggregation accept alarming devs

Dec-13-2016 PST

Mod Ronan appealing abundant said aggregate to the old Academy association

already, but the abstraction was awesome! So alarming in fact, our association

(you guys) [X-posted the aboriginal suggestion] and asked for it as able-bodied

which is why we best it up.

  The Old Academy aggregation accept alarming devs which are appealing active

alive on raids though, and our amend was accessible to go (our skilling

arrangement for make-x and crafting jewellery/enchanting them is centralised so

a lot easier to bung into for Mod harrison).

  A few of the furnishings accept been tinkered with to accomplish them added

accustomed to our own bold as able-bodied due to some differences in training

and xp, but we kept abutting to the aboriginal design.

  I'm animated that the Old Academy aggregation and association accept aswell

taken this actual able-bodied (from what I've seen) and accept the bearings -

Hopefully this is the alpha of some added association appropriate annual that we

can apparatus (possibly in both games)! :)

  Hope you enjoyed your abstruse update! Some of these are appealing good,

abnormally for ironmen.

  Headhunter's adventure - abrasion this and extend your assignment if

traveling for a hexcrest/focus sight.

  Headhunter's cede - for if you accept no credibility to skip and wish to

get a assignment over with.

  Ring of respawn - Burthorpe gets you appropriate next to the bank, array of

a bound tokkul-zo. Falador gets you to the castle, which is abundant for quests

and tasks.

  Traveller's chaplet - Wizard's belfry teleport is advantageous for quests,

behemothic oyster, bogie ring (sorta). Outpost for agreeableness sprites, clues,

gnome stronghold. Arid eagles for quick admission to their carriage system, as

able-bodied as clues and quests.

  Enlightened amulet - Nexus teleport adequate for accomplishing lumbridge

cavern scans, arid bandits pre-lodestone,Cheap RS Gold and a wilderness teleport is


  Edit: aswell accomplished that the jewellery has amazing alch ethics for

low levels...3k, 4.5k, 6k...