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R6 Siege - Accepting banned for aggregation killing a aggregation killer

Aug-31-2018 PST

I abhorrence how R6 bans you for arresting yourself or your teammates in ranked. It has happened assorted times.

This accurate time a snot nosed kid got mad at a assistant bc they both were cutting at an adversary calm and the assistant got the kill. We won the round.

He afresh complains over the mic and shoots our assistant the next annular and kills him authoritative it 4 vs 5 instantly. I let it go. We lose the round.

Then the next annular starts and he downs 2 teammates with Cav so I shoot him in the face and aces up my teammates.

Then of course, the added kid accept to accept been accompany with the guy I attempt so he shoots and kills one of the guys I best up anyways afresh runs away.

Now we play the annular 3 vs 5 and came abutting to acceptable but it was not enough. We lose the round.

Next annular aforementioned idiot picks montagne of advance to accumulate himself safe of buy cheap Rainbow Six Credits. The guy they accept now dead alert still stays the bigger man and just tries to play.

Montagne takes pop shots at him the accomplished annular demography abroad all his bloom but not killing him and abruptness we lose addition round.

Now we are on aegis afresh down 1 to 3. The idiot picks Cav and afresh downs the 2 nice guys/what I am acumen are very shitty players on our team.

I ran aggravating to hopefully bottle a win and they hunt me so I am affected to shoot him in the face afresh and afresh I get banned for 30 minutes.

It would be abundant if there was some way for the bold to clue how abounding times a assistant has attempt teammates and just accomplish them fair bold for aggregation killing.

You can't accompany aback banning bc afresh these idiots are the guys that would delay until the endure acceptable annular afresh cossack out a abandoned amateur for no reason.

If I anytime accommodated these humans I will aggresively bang myself and bandy my alpha carrion at them.