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PUBG - Can not annihilate downed enemies

Apr-23-2018 PST

Can we see a bold access area you can't annihilate humans who are downed? I don't know, maybe just for a analysis because I feel like it would add a accomplished new ambit to the bold of aggravating to accomplishment your teammates, cheap PUBG Skins instead of anyone instantly dying at the alpha and accepting to sit through an absolute game.

Turning it into a bold access would be an accomplished way of seeing how the association would acknowledge to it.

I in fact see your point, about I don't anticipate it'd be actual fun to accept mates clamber around, allurement to be ressed while you're accepting bolter by the adversary that they just downed.

Although this could be acclimated in a adapted way too... blocking enemies in a bath with one of your downed mates or sending in a advance into a admixture to acknowledge all the adversary locations afterwards abhorrence of death.

Overall I don't anticipate it sounds fun. If you get bent and they accept abundant time to accomplishment you, I anticipate they should defended the annihilate just so it doesn't become a amaranthine action of ressing.

I'd say it'd be added fun to be able to accession a asleep acquaintance from the body of an enemy, giving them the boodle that the asleep guy had, appropriately you're adored for killing, instead of accepting downed.

And just got out of my endure 8-man aggregation afore the accident ended. There was abundant advice and in actuality everybody did their job. Didn't lose a individual getting until the 2nd to endure circle.

I adulation arena in analeptic groups that in actuality communicate. Aswell got a craven banquet out of it. Anybody abroad accept in fact adequate luck?

Great aggregation win! Just had my best accumulation of the night and I had a lot of fun arena with you all. If you happened to play in that group, my Reddit name is the aforementioned as my PUBG name. You'll apperceive it.

Yeah my endure bold went a little differently. Two associates batten chinese and landed in a absolutely altered location.

Two humans get downed adapted away, the three who are communicating and I annihilate off the opposition.

One of them lays affirmation to some 5.56 off a kill, and if our assistant loots out of habit, he is aggregation killed. Argument starts about why he dead a aggregation mate. I end up killing him. Afresh I left.