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POE - With a bold as circuitous as POE

Aug-24-2018 PST

I've apparent a ton of posts on this subreddit afresh black over the "state of the game" which altercate ad nauseum the aforementioned scattering of "issues" forth with a appeal that GGG fix "the issues."

It has me cerebration whether GGG can anytime candidly accomplish a bold that anybody seems to want, and I don't necessarily anticipate it's GGG's fault.

A quick preface: I've played about 1k hours of POE on and off for years (since beta if the bigger affair in the bold was the desync that GGG declared at the time to be unfixible). I am not bleeding edge, and this is all my opinion.

Also I should agenda that there are areas of the bold that can be improved, so my thoughts should be taken as white knighting for GGG. I just wish to get some altercation going.

As an archetype let's yield two of the issues that are gripes about on this sub added than any other: bright dispatch and account quantity. As I see it, these are options that a amateur can ability thier play appearance about if they wish to, but abounding on this subreddit arise to appearance as amount locations of the game.

From what I can gather, it appears that abounding appearance the point of POE to be to accumulate as abundant coins as bound as possible. GGG has fabricated a massively circuitous bold area the backbone of a physique is authentic by gem combos, acquiescent accomplishment timberline choices, and accessory choices (especially uniques).

First, just anticipate for a additional how absurd it accept to be for GGG to actualize absolute antithesis if there is so abundant abeyant for physique assortment in the game. If any of you anticipate it's accessible to accomplish every physique altogether counterbalanced with all others, I accept some acreage on the moon I'd like to advertise you.

There will consistently be adeptness imbalances in builds--even amateur with far beneath to antithesis attempt to get it right. This is abnormally so if there is an absolute subgroup (streamers) whose angle are barnacle on assuming thier admirers something that is both different AND efficient.

If, say, mob and amateur hp ethics were all assorted by 10 to "slow things down," anyone would iterate a physique that clears maps alert as fast as the rest. So is the antithesis the problem, or is it that so abundant of the amateur abject flocks to the accepted acidity of the ages (league?) builds?

I saw a guy column his off-meta homebrew physique actuality the added day allurement for suggestions and the basis of the responses was "looks fun but way too slow." So is dispatch a advantage or a vice?

It makes me admiration what the amateur abject thinks the "point" of POE is. For most, it seems to be "acquire as abundant coins as bound as possible." To do that, association feel "forced" to play a currently OP physique even acceptance they absolutely aren't appropriate to do so. It seems like bright dispatch is alone a botheration if humans accept to run fast builds to aerate coins and afresh become disenchanted with the action of agriculture currency. The bold doesn't force you to play that way, though.

"But if I don't play that way, I will not be as acceptable (measured by coins acquisition) as the humans that do, so the bold Does force me to play that way!" No, it doesn't. Your claimed goals do.

Lastly, every arpg anytime has been a grind. POE should be no exception; of you took that allotment out or watered it down too much, there would be no allurement to play. If I could do all alliance content, acreage altogether formed items, and accomplish a bunch of coins in one week, affairs are I will not be advancing aback anniversary 2. The bullwork is the above basal that keeps humans playing.

I assumption what I'm aggravating to say is that with a bold as circuitous (in agreement of physique potential) as POE, there will consistently be a "best" build, and a "fastest" way to complete goals/farm poe currency, and abreast from GGG massively diluting those systems (although D3 is appealing adulterate by allegory and it still has problems with balance) there is no simple fix to that. Perhaps it's the mentality of the amateur abject that is causing these issues.

Afterwards all, if annihilation is fun for you but agriculture asuch coins as possible, poe currency and you abhorrence agriculture currency, why abide to play?