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POE - Was SSF just a appearance you went through

Jul-23-2018 PST

Was SSF just a appearance you went through or it is something you still adore afterwards abundant builds? Did it to 100 in Bequest and don't anticipate I will anytime do it afresh afterwards starting the next alliance with it and not accepting a Vis Mortis on a summoner. Got a Kaoms and Shavs admitting in that playthrough.

You are just alone so abundant and accept are about dictated to play what drops for you. That accepting said if something drops for you that you ambition for your body boy you get excited. In bequest I bethink accepting my 2nd Hand of Anticipation and Motion and auspicious with excitement.

I mostly adore SSF because I abhorrence trading. But I consistently play barter alliance and just dont buy things I dont need, I try and sustain my own currency, I dont like to buy bill or maps mostly. So I cocky armamentarium those.

I do sometimes play for a few weeks in SSF afore migrating.

I anticipate SSF should accept its clearing removed and be counterbalanced about a SSF playstyle which easier adept leveling and bigger rarity. Basically just "mode has benefit adept exp, and added account rarity" or a way to get uniques that isnt affiliated to just rng. Accepting masters afterwards rotas is in actuality apathetic and is a huge accident to SSF really.

I am a huge fan of maplestories "Reboot" server, While it exists for abounding affidavit added afresh just as a "ironman" blazon event, it is in actuality cocky adjourned for the a lot of part, you bullwork for all of your own items, and affair for administration sometimes.

But all advance is fabricated by accepting to bullwork it out and no acquirement it in the bazaar place. Its actual fun, but it has antithesis changes to accomplish that a astute assignment and not crazy absurd like say aspect crafting something in actuality acceptable in SSF is a lot of acceptable not accessible with the accomplished tiers of aspect because of how attenuate they are.

The acumen I dont stick to SSF is because I adore aggravating arbitrary builds, but those about charge specific uniques, and its just not that fun defective to achievement they bead afore you can even anticipate about arena them. So I alpha a appearance about play it out, bullwork out bisected my atlas, afresh eventually drift to reroll into a "fun" body that isnt arid banal appearance could cause thats what thrives in SSF.

A bigger barter acquaintance would in actuality abolish charge for adapted bead SSF as well, the barter acquaintance afresh has just been terrible.

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