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POE - The single-biggest botheration with Trading

Aug-06-2018 PST

The single-biggest botheration with Trading, in my opinion, is that it burns a aperture from your map (even worse with Lab, breadth you accept to adjudge to end your run or skip the barter unless the client is accommodating to delay a few minutes).

In similar, but bottom aftereffect is that your affair is about impacted - you about accept to leave the affair in adjustment to buy/sell, and at the complete minimum aggravating to advertise an account while partied up makes you abatement abaft your accumulation or makes them delay for you.

I'm accomplished afterwards there accepting an bargain house, or any of a countless of its derivatives. I accept their abhorrence to them, and even if I didn't, I accept that they accept no absorbed to change their stance.

But I feel that there are still a bulk of agency that Trading could be bigger afterwards acutely altering the acquaintance or creating an Bargain House.

My ideal book would be complete simple in concept, and accumulate about all of the key acquaintance that currently exists in trading. Namely amateur alternation and cover showcasing.

- Incorporate the Barter website into the bold itself, alluringly by a NPC or NoticeBoard-style alternate object. Acquiesce them to be placed/invited to the Hideout.

- If a client wants to buy an item, and sends the buzz from the barter menu, cover a hotlink to the complete account in the buzz so the agent can hover over it and see accurately which account is accepting purchased.

- Rather than allure the client to their party, the agent invites the amateur anon to their cover (a new right-click option). This way the client still sees the seller's hideout, but neither ancillary has to leave/disband their party, and as an added account the client is clumsy to access portals or contrarily muck about.

- Already a client has entered the seller's hideout, the barter apprehension will arise for both players behindhand of breadth the Agent is. Already both players accept accepted, the account that was aside for is automatically taken from the backing and placed in the seller's Barter menu. A admonition appears next to this barter window that specifies the listed price, and whether it was listed as negotiable (this way the Agent knows if the client is aggravating to low-ball). Alluringly babble should accommodate with this barter window somehow instead of accepting hidden abaft it, so that negotiations can yield abode if applicative afterwards defective to abutting the window. If GGG are activity acceptable with the QoL on this, aswell accomplish it so that the Buyer can cull bill from a Bill backing tab instead of their own inventory, afresh so that negotiations can yield abode afterwards defective to abutting the window to retrieve more/different poe currency.

- If the barter completes successfully, the account is placed in the buyer's account and the bill is placed in the backing in the aforementioned atom the account acclimated to be.

Basically, this way Sellers don't accept to leave their map or Lab to complete the sale, but their cover is still apparent by the client (gotta rep that MTX.)

If GGG in actuality wish to aroma this up, they could even accomplish the Barter NPC some affectionate of Adept (Cadiro pls) and accept some thematically adapted decorations/hideout and missions to go with.