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​POE - SSF has never been better

Jul-15-2019 PST

The bold has never been bigger for SSF. Accessibility, superior of activity improvements, and options of allusive choices has bigger the gameplay for SSF players like myself.

And the best affair about SSF improvements is that the bigger QoL improvements that don't "make the bold easier", the bigger the bold will be for everyone.

Legion all-embracing is a absurd architecture for SSF because it drops a ton of currency, uniques, prophecies (this is huge), buried items, maps, and a ton added things.

You are MUCH added acceptable to get a adapted altered for your next body from the Legion alliance than you anytime were in able leagues (you mainly accomplish these after-effects from agriculture low akin maps for the uniques). Aswell map sustain is amazing this league.

For me, Syndicate is one of the best pieces of agreeable for SSF. It has the apical bulk of amateur agency, adversity (although they're rather anemic this alliance imo), and a abundant bulk of lore.

It's in actuality amazing. Of advance the antithesis of in actuality enabling players to appoint with the agreeable is appealing abuse low. I attending advanced to the masters redesign that Chris alluded to.

Delve and Beastiary are great, don't change them. (Of advance the aforementioned affair with amateur bureau is present actuality as well).

This is all to say, if the bold improves for the SSF experience, the bold will advance for everyone.

However, I'm a FIRM accepter in that you absolute yourself if you play SSF, so some items may in actuality yield dozens if not hundreds of hours to obtain. Don't anytime acquiesce for over accessibility in a bold access you absolute yourself.

PS: If you've never approved SSF you owe it to yourself to accord it a attempt this league, it's never been added accessible.