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​POE - Pls acquiesce sulphite to be aggregate amid characters

Sep-18-2018 PST

I wish to be able to acceleration through maps on my fast builds and bandy to a apathetic tanky burrow build. Architecture burrow abandoned characters sucks because you charge to anticipate about how you're accepting sulphite fast. 

Aswell I abhorrence quarry and I would consistently rather map for sulphite afresh spamming shitty instances.

The capital botheration that i accept with sulphite (besides maps not giving abundant in general) is that it doesnt calibration with your delving afterwards a assertive point anymore.

There is already a accustomed ascent in abode for sulphite accretion as you advance canal the bold but it stops in t16 maps. Already you're there, thats how abundant you're accustomed to get and thats appealing shitty for burrow which advertises itself as a alliance that is declared to claiming your characters to go as abysmal as they can activity the monsters, not as continued as they can accumulate their acumen agriculture quarry.

If you were accustomed to advancement sulphite accretion [from maps] which is afresh afterwards aggregate amid characters it whould accomplish this alot beneath of a problem.

Yeah, I was denial my judgement on this to see for myself, but sulphite in actuality break the bulk bold progression wheel.

In PoE, you about bullwork to accomplish cutting added efficient, afresh bullwork to advance your adeptness afresh bullwork to complete the content. In burrow this is added or beneath how it works aural the mines with azurite. It doesn't about plan like that with accepting to mines.

To get to mines, you coursing the accustomed bold progression, until you hit red maps and there is no added advance - so the "main game" caps out, but burrow is declared to abide and be absolute - but it isn't. It's capped because the abject bold is and the lower you go the beneath time you absorb in it.

This is altered to the abject bold breadth you in actuality advance your speed/power/sustain and adeptness to run maps - afterwards some time you sustain college and college maps until you hit uber ancient and accept little added to do.

In burrow you don't sustain harder and harder delves, you run beneath and beneath of them the added you grind. You get beneath accolade for added breach (though you do get added bill as you go lower) - this is in adverse to aggregate abroad you do in the game.

I would be all in for blurred the ammount of chests burrow provides just to admission players an adeptness to do added of it. Afterwards that apparently added than 95% of humans will never hit a point in which the adeptness of their body starts to bulk instead of their adeptness to accumulate sulphite.

I adjudge based on top guys and their acquisition methods that I will not hit, with my breach (which is not a lot compared to streamers or top groups, but it is added than 20 hours a week), a burrow akin in which what body I play in actuality affairs in any absolute way of PoE trade currency. I will not be challenged by absolute agreeable during these 3 months because to in actuality ability the cap by the end if the alliance I would charge to play two and a bisected times what I play now.