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​POE - I achievement Betrayal alliance doesn't go Core

Jan-05-2019 PST

Don't get me wrong, the leagues abundant and all and I'm in fact adequate it but currently we're able to actively participate in syndicate safehouses and the administrator action because we appointment syndicate associates in every instance we go into.

If they put Syndicate core, we're acceptable to accept Jun be a adept and we will abandoned be able to acquisition her every so generally abundant like how the added masters plan at the moment. But this leads to a botheration breadth we're never traveling to be able to actively appoint in the safehouses or even administrator action because of how continued it would yield to acreage up abundant syndicate intelligence of their whereabouts.

GGG's acceptable band-aid to this would be accretion the abject # of intelligence if you acquisition Syndicate associates but that creates a new problem...

Syndicate manipulation, how will you dispense the syndicate to put associates at branches you ambition them in for the accomplished accolade if you're abandoned accustomed a bound bulk of encounters afore you acquisition a safehouse? You won't, you're traveling to accept to go with the associates you are provided with at accidental and achievement for the best, you will not be able to dispense the syndicate blueprint if they access the int accustomed by the encounters and if on the added duke they do not access the int from encounters we will be ashore with 15% achievement safehouses for canicule on end about accomplishing the administrator fight.

Honestly this is a abundant league, I'm in fact adequate it but I achievement for these affidavit we just get something as acceptable or even bigger with the next alliance afterwards the allegation of auctioning a new adept into the game.

None of the problems you're highlighting are unsolveable. Customzing the temple with Alva is just as complex as customizing the syndicate with Jun and there is in fact no affair with the way they chip it into the bulk game.

Temple customization is unsatisfactory at best. A lot of of the time, you'll not even get a adventitious to advancement a individual allowance to lvl 3. Sometimes, you'll get encounters afterwards a individual access stone, which agency you can end up not accepting a adventitious to get to the acme either.

That's not what I alarm "involved". You don't plan, you don't analysis or align anything. You're down to acrimonious "one of two" eleven times and achievement that two or three of those eleven acreage on the aforementioned allowance (depending on whether this allowance starts as lvl or not) and that it can get appropriate reward.

There is a absolute of 11 rooms. The affairs of the aforementioned allowance actualization thrice if about selecting 11 times from 11 apartment are absolute babyish and affairs that it is a appropriate allowance are 1/3 of that PoE currency. Which basically boils down to the abandoned applicable action at accepting a acceptable accolade from the temple: do Alva's missions bags of times and achievement you get something acceptable once. Absolute complex indeed.