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POE - I accede POE's appraisement is too high

Jun-21-2018 PST

POE is fun... but the MTX is acutely cher god damn. It assault my apperception that they haven't had blush options for MTX. Like, I assumption we afresh got these shitty capes that are the exact aforementioned poe currency thing, just black differently, but we should be able to buy any of those and afresh abstracted colors for like 10-30% of the aboriginal MTX price.

Honestly, who the fuck is affairs added than one of those capes as they are appropriate now? I can't even brainstorm affluent bodies affairs them out, there's no way they wouldn't accomplish added money accomplishing what I said.

While I accede POE's appraisement is too top comparing a complete bold to a Mobile time angishore app is asinine bargain bank Mobile amateur are fabricated for non gamers and acquire bags of pay to win and paywalled agreeable their monetization is added affiliated to mass business scams area accepting lots of suckers or accouchement to absorb 3-4 dollars on something they will play for 60 annual complete is a applicable strategy.

They afresh reskin the exact aforementioned bold with "talking tom, Talking Leo, Talking Bob, Talking Angela" and try to cull a few added dollars from parents or morons who don't pay absorption and just wish somthing to babysit their kids.

POE's monetization is by no agency chargeless of abetment (boxes) but it is at atomic advised for connected appellation amusement of an complete affluent able-bodied advised game. Not a quick money grab for a shitty buzz app.

And PoE isn't any altered than a lot of F2P amateur in that it'll get agitated by it's whales aback for every paying chump there's bags who never will. And their business tactic is to in fact accomplish you wish those cosmetics, jack up the bulk for whales, afresh snag anybody if a auction comes alternating because "it's so abundant cheaper than it usually is" even admitting it's still in fact expensive. That's a complete accustomed tactic beyond all industries (hell attending at the markup on clothing) and I don't anticipate it's any beneath ethical actuality than it is there (which is to say, its kinda adumbral everywhere).

People get balked if they wish something that they can't, or shouldn't, buy. I acquire completely, but my point actuality is that at atomic what's crazy big-ticket in POE doesn't bulk from a gameplay perspective. It could be a lot worse with things like circadian map cooldowns, added appearance slots, affairs 6-Link, affairs affirmed top carbon rolls, etc. Lots of F2P amateur do that bits and so while I'm accordant this sucks, I'm adage at atomic it's not that.

The backing tabs acquire consistently been priced well. Additional they acquire backing tab sales all the time. I've been arena aback accessible beta on an off and every now and afresh I would buy backing tabs during sales and boring access my backing size. The best part is you don't in fact charge any added backing tabs to play a majority of the abject game.

If you apperceive what you are accomplishing you can get to end bold with just four tabs. Yes it is harder to new players to apperceive what to accumulate and what not to. But if you absorb the time as a beginning amateur to play through all 10 acts and adjudge you charge more tabs to accumulate playing, $20 bucks is bargain for the accessibility it offers and the chargeless acquaintance it will abide to offer.