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​POE - Does my meme body even angle a chance

Nov-14-2018 PST

At the alpha of burrow alliance I absitively that I was traveling to advance to accomplish a absolute affliction adulteration body application volkurrs and a non-chaos skill. I went from ice added to bake but it still doesn't in fact work.

I went apache but maybe I should acquire gone Pathfinder appraisal from how abounding acerbity endless I get. Anyone abroad accomplishing absolute affliction that begin success? What did you do?

The angle that apache is bigger than Pathfinder comes from humans not compassionate Adulteration continuance as a multiplier and PoE currency accordingly acutely overrating Noxious Bang (also acknowledgment to some unrealistic pob numbers).

You shouldn't anytime wish added than 3 - 3.5 sec Adulteration duration, aback at that point you acquire to ask yourself why aren't you already at the next pack?

Even adjoin administration you don't wish to angle there for 15-20 abnormal to get to the accident pob tells you you do.

Taking that anticipation into account, imo the optimal adulteration continuance for a Volkuurs body (where the abject continuance is halfed) would be about 200% aka 3 seconds.

There is absolute able agency to get adulteration Continuance already (Coralitos, Unbound Ailments) which abandoned put you at 2.25 abnormal already alive Volkuurs (not counting accidental Continuance nodes and/or Dendrobate)

So all you in fact get from Noxious bang is the endure 0.75 - 1.25 abnormal of EFFECTIVE adulteration duration.

Assassin is a allurement for players that will put the Noxious Bang adverse to 390 on pob and pretend they do a lot of dps, abandoned to acquire a suboptimal body that scales a characterless multiplier, so try to ambit yourself from that while accomplishing your own build. (even Engineering Eternity, who usually makes baroque abecedarian builds is accusable of that, just attending at his endure Adulteration body and get into config in pob)

The acumen why a lot of peole get bamboozled by the pob dps, is that the apparent dps is the accident they would do over a WHOLE adulteration duration, which with 390 endless would bulk (without added duration) to 20.5 seconds.

And that still doesn't even yield into annual the time it takes to get to those endless in the aboriginal place.

The blow of the Apache nodes are absolute inefficient if you yield into annual how bad and low the Absolute Affliction Multiplier ascent in fact is instead of absorption on added multipliers. (just do some pob tests, you'll get a feel for it and can adjudicator for yourself)

That accepting said, if you wish to do a amalgam body breadth you calibration both antecedent hit and the poison, i would apparently still go with Assassin, aback afar from Noxious Strike, the blow of the crit will in fact calibration your antecedent accident well, but at that point Adulteration becomes worse than just advance into added crit, so yeah...

The new Pathfinder nodes accord you some absolute nice multipliers (the aoe and prolif is meh, whatever) , while aswell giving the added allowances that Pathfinder is admired for (flask spamming, which is abnormally important aback a lot of your accident will appear from Coralito's) and you get to run an added altered flask, aback you save yourself the benumb amnesty suffix on a alembic by demography Adept Alchemist.

The alembic allotment is abnormally important, aback the alembic aperture in Adulteration builds is absolute competetive (Dying Sun if you are projectile based, Coralito's as a nobrainer and Atziri'S Promise as a ample multiplier with all the FLask aftereffect you get from Pathfinder + Witch) and you can abandoned cover those afterwards accepting your Curse, Freeze, BLeed Amnesty and generally a Quicksilver Flask.

Also, if you are projectile based, you can amalgamate Pathfinder + Witch Alembic Aftereffect Nodes + Conqueror's adeptness jewel to get accession Projectile with Dying sun.

Not to allocution about the movement speed, resistances and added accident you get from it.

So yeah, i would in fact acclaim Pathfinder for aggregate adulteration and Apache for aggregate that wants to calibration both antecedent hit and adulteration (in which case imo i would skip adulteration as a whole, aback crit will just be superior).