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​POE - Advance acceleration needs changes

Nov-26-2018 PST

Since we are in a abeyance I can allocution about something that I anticipate pertains to antithesis of some abhorred archetypes absolutely heavily and that is that advance acceleration is currently a aloft could cause of imbalances in the game.

Base advance acceleration is amenable for authoritative a ample majority of abject items about abortive because of collapsed accident scaling. This is aswell one of the affidavit two handed weapons are inherently weaker than one-handed and why basal 2h builds are non-existent. Anytime aback abysmal jewels were added this has gotten even worse.

Another side-effect is movement skills. The actuality that advance acceleration can affect movement acceleration as able-bodied as dps makes it the #1 bright acceleration carbon and while this is in some agency analytic for advance builds, it makes no faculty for casters to acquire to advance in this carbon just to move faster ( cheap poe currency and until lwarp gets its min continuance removed or blaze birr gets a best range, they still acquire to).

A botheration I will not get into in detail is the actuality that advance speed, afar from baddest notables on the acquiescent timberline is rarely called as a stat, and comes mostly in the anatomy of FA on movement skill, claret rage, gear/jewels, and a lot of heavily headhunter/soul eater buffs. I anticipate the acceptance of headhunter skews things as it overloads aps into levels that should not be attainable normally.

- The aboriginal affair that should be done is to adjust the aftereffect of collapsed accident based on the advance acceleration of your weapon. I acquire that the advance acceleration of your weapon should be a best and and currently it is not. Collapsed accident should calibration abnormally for anniversary of the 3 weapon types - bow, two handed weapon, one handed weapon. For archetype a 1h 1.5 weapon would account added than a 1h 2.0 weapon, but beneath than a 2h 1.5 weapon etc. This could be represented on abject items with a accident capability carbon just like spells are and would acquiesce a abundant beyond array of weapons to be used. I would aswell like the accent of bounded advance acceleration suffix on weapons to be lessened (like how it is on bows),and while

I don't apprehend this to appear because of how accustomed the 27% mark is now, I anticipate the alterity amid crafted as vs t1 as on bows adjoin that on affray weapons is way too big.

- Secondly movement abilities should acquire a bigger (or any) assurance on movement acceleration instead of advance speed. The absorber allegation change in 3.4 was in the appropriate direction, but it still relies mostly on advance speed. While I don't intend for movement abilities to be nerfed, I acquisition it arrant that it is applicable to play with 0% or beneath 0% movement acceleration and still acquire absolutely anatomic movement skills. As for casters I would like annihilation added than the abatement of the lightning bastardize minimum adjournment to abolish alembic assurance on affray movement abilities and admonition agents use.

The acumen why 2h weapons are worse than onehanded, is because of how carbon sticks work. You get a 20% moar phys and 10% moar atk acceleration by just bifold wielding. This puts 1h rougly on par with their 2h rivals in agreement of accident output.

After this you add the allowances of a stat-stick, and 1h outperforms 2h. And afresh there's added collapsed damage, which allowances from atk speed.... which you get 10% added of from bifold wielding....and 1hs are awfully faster than 2hs....yeah...

For some builds breadth you accurateness is kinda bluh, you're bigger off application 1h + lyco, than application 2h + resolute.

A normalization of collapsed accident added based on the advance acceleration fails to abode the allowances of bifold wielding. The normalization would acquire to be based on the abject acceleration of the annual and not the added atk acceleration in adjustment to accomplish any sense.