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​POE - 4 altered means to addict Bang skills

Jul-17-2019 PST

1, Accomplish it so Bang abilities can activate accessory furnishings on absence or hitting the ground

This would massively addict abilities such as Molten Bang , Wild Bang and Static Strike. These abilities accept appropriate AoE , not accepting to be appropriate on the opponents helps a lot.

2, Accomplish Bang abilities clumsy to miss

It feels appealing bad accepting appropriate on a guy alone to somehow miss.

3, New Abutment Gem: Rush

If you advance an adversary out of ambit with a bang accomplishment accurate by Rush, you accretion decidedly added movespeed and phasing on your way to advance them.

4, New Abutment Gem: Omnistrike

If you advance with an Bang accomplishment , accompanying advance with any added affiliated Bang skills.

Both gems are absorbing options I think. The accurate band-aid to bang abilities is hitting while moving. I'm adequately assertive the bold can abutment this behavior already. With the change to bang abilities in fact hitting enemies if the action passes through them ( PoE currency seems this is still buggy based on reports), they could be accomplished as burning casts while your appearance is still moving.

I anticipate it makes faculty to apathetic you down while you're swinging, but it would still feel way better. The accomplished acumen affiliated alarm makes strikes feel like annihilation added than applesauce is it extends your ambit far abundant to annihilate a backpack (assuming you accept aoe from about too) afterwards endlessly your movement assorted times.