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MapleStory - What weapon is acceptable for my hero

Jun-15-2018 PST

What affectionate of a weapon i should use on my Hero? Heroes are cool... but what affectionate of a weapon they are using? i saw some humans with 1H sword. Some with 2H Axe of MS2 Mesos for sale.

Now idk if im actual or not but i wanna be sure, if you accept +1 Advance acceleration you use axe if you dont accept +1 Advance acceleration you use 1H brand and shield.

First, I would like to say that the +1 advance acceleration abutting adeptness is not abased on if you are 1H or 2H; you will allegation it for both. With this inner, you can hit advance acceleration (0), which is the harder cap, on 1H and advance acceleration (1) on 2H.

On the catechism of axe or sword, axe is apparently bigger because you get a 5% accident addition from axes. However, this addition is so baby (because it is accident and not FINAL damage) that it does not bulk in the continued run. I alone use swords because I advanced it looks acknowledgment and I can use it if I anytime job change to pally. Both swords and axes are viable.

Finally, I am not abiding if you are arena accustomed servers or reboot, but if you are arena accustomed servers, a 1H weapon is better.

For reboot it is harder to accomplish such a ample generalization, but both 1H and 2H are viable. Algebraic wizards accept done the calculations and appear to the cessation that for reboot, 2H has academy dps.

However, traveling 1H agency faster advance acceleration so you are added Mobile at bosses. It aswell agency you allegation your orbs faster (very acceptable during the 6 added worldreaver buff). For these reasons, a lot of endgame heroes in reboot are 1H.

A few added things that MAY appear on the approaching to consider:

If 25* comes to GMS, the added stars on your absorber are benign for 1H.

If GMS follows KMS and makes it so blooming pot does not breach advance acceleration bendable cap of (2), a case can be fabricated for 2H swords.