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​MapleStory M - WA 4th job is in actuality disappointing

Sep-18-2018 PST

TWO advance abilities that both mob? No ultimates/familiars/specialty attacks? WHY?

3rd job attacks aren't special. 2nd jobs is irrelevant. The wind accustomed from aboriginal job and the flight accomplishment accepted added accordant endgame than even some third job skills. Acutely pets awning the buffs.

So what's the point? Where's our absolute kit?

I played Bandit afore KoC and afresh begin that not abandoned do Corsairs accept above damage, but, they in actuality get to DO things in the bold instead of just like spamming the aforementioned accomplishment FOR THE REST OF EXISTENCE.

Corsair life: Arouse a baiter AND an octopus for added damage, aeon dice and arouse pirates for stats, KNOCKBACK enemies in your way, uses ultimate every 30 seconds, alarming 3 additional cooldown accomplishment for individual target, individual ambition cutting accomplishment that makes faculty to alternating afterwards mobbing with 8 legged Easton... STRATEGICALLY.

Basically you get to PLAY and accept activity OPTIONS with UTILITY and acutely MORE DAMAGE.

Wind archer has a bright affair to apathetic enemies down but that's it. Two of the fourth job abilities abate the antecedent jobs versions because reasons?

So one of the fourth job abilities mobs a little bigger and one individual targets a little.. but they aswell both mob and are basically interchangeable. There is in actuality annihilation else.

I'm already pot committed to WA so whatever but just.. W0W is it shitty compared to a lot of adventurers appropriate now. This is in actuality sad.

Strictly speaking, that baiter and octopus is not even account the accomplishment slots if you account their accident done over 30s.

I affirm bandit has so abounding abortive abilities so that they can accept 2 SP per akin and max out all bulk abilities at about akin 120 lol.

Corsairs do accept the a lot of array of advancing abilities that they all use frequently based on situations, but at the bulk of aught arresting and advancement skills.

WA has both vertical and accumbent mobility, declared to accept the best <4 monsters mobbing damage, and a 0s cd knockback aoe accomplishment that is allotment of your capital accident accomplishment kit. Not in actuality afflicted by knockback too.

Just delay for the closing accident buff.