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​MapleStory M - How committed do you accept to be to this game

Nov-09-2018 PST

I've played the desktop adaptation of maple (almost) aback it's absolution and accept been on/off the bold added frequently than before, acutely because of work, life, etc etc. It's a bold abutting to me but I just can't put in those continued grindy hours like I use to.

I'm searching to see if this is a acceptable another just as a nice way to canyon time and Maplestory M Mesos be able to accidentally aces up and put down every now and then. The PC adaptation harder locks me into time specific contest and such but does this app do the same?

I haven't done abundant analysis but it looks like maple... just molded into a banknote grab scheme. Or am I wrong? I'd adulation to apprehend from the guys who play both versions as committed players and see how they differ. On a ancillary agenda though.. if some of you candidly accept I should apparently just yield this befalling and escape the Nexon afterlife grip, just be atrociously honest with me about this bold so that I can airing abroad afore i accomplish to it lol.

I played PC maple 3 months afterwards it's absolution for about 5ish year and best up MSM about a ages ago. I haven't affected PC MS for 7 years now so I don't apperceive how the contempo one operates. MSM has an auto-grind affection and you get 2 hours of it every day (which can be banked up to a best of 6) so you can log in beat the auto-battle button and abutting your app while your appearance grinds away.

They authority 20% exp contest usually on the weekend in 6 hour blocks so you can calmly coffer 3 canicule annual of circadian auto-battle time and use it over the weekend should you wish. There are circadian quests/dungeons that you can do that will accord you 10/30 min auto-battle timer buffs so finer if you're on top of your dailies you can get 3-4 hours of auto-battle anniversary day.

In archetypal Nexon fashion, if you ambition pets that auto-buff you while you auto-grind you gotta pay but they do accord you chargeless perma pets to advice you loot. They afresh did a huge akin acclimation ambit acceptance anybody to akin abundant easier (think of the akin acclimation they did on PC MS during big bang) which fabricated a lot of humans black as their levels didn't get adapted to the new EXP tables.

There are log-in rewards alert a day with 12 hour gaps in amid the rewards you can get for just logging in and claiming it in your mail-box. Some of these rewards alter as they can be cubes, auto-battle time buffs, exp access tickets, exp aliment buffs, etc.

Upgrading your accessory will yield a while but aren't gated by banknote necessarily (unless of advance you ambition a faster aisle to advance your weapons), just accept to accumulate up with your dailies and such.

The alone harder bound time specific accident that you will run into is that you can do expeditions (Zak/HT) alert a day (4pm and midnight EST, which will be 3pm and 11pm EST afterwards aurora savings).

I anticipate I've covered a lot of of what this bold has to action but feel chargeless to ask any questions. What this bold in actuality reminds me of is old PC MS afore they added the akin 200 cap except on adaptable and Nexon giving us circadian aliment that are absolutely advantageous IMO and none of that 4 hour 2x exp tickets applesauce for $25 monthly.