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​MapleStory M - Accepting a few questions about F2P and new

Aug-19-2019 PST

I'm a almost new player, played the PC absolution for a few years and now I'm arena this. I started a appearance endure year if the servers opened but chock-full afterwards lvl 15 or 20. About the 1st ceremony bread boutique I came aback but I'm still a little absent about some points.

1, Comarping to the Korean version, how abundant time do we accept to delay for an update? I saw on a video these new jobs (F/P mage, for example) and I ambition to apperceive if they accept a agenda like the PC adaptation (6~ months amid Korea and the Global version) or it's random.

2, About the bread shop, appropriate now I'm aggravating to get to Diamond (around 5,5k left) but I'm notsure about what should I buy. I kept audition that the accident weapon isn't account it, but the one that I accept able it's an accident altered one. If the weapon it's so bad that I shouldn't decay 20k coins, what should i Buy instead?

3, I'm accepting doubts about breadth should I focus next. Appropriate now I accept a Bloody extra (E) at unique, Pensalir (E) altered helm, Mythic All-embracing from that accident box, Noble altered shoulders, Bloody gloves at unique, Muspell (E) at altered too and a Sirius unique. The accent that I accept is ballsy but I feel that it's a low advance one, I accept that I should try to get a PBA one on the continued run, but I'm accepting bad luck.

4, About PBA, I fudged up if I anticipation that I had a PBA Extra at 26 advance but if I upgraded it wasn't 220 advance so now I'm instead aggravating to acquisition a attenuate or ballsy one. I heard that Jaihin is BiS but seeing the prices I don't apperceive if a Briser one would be bigger instead.

5, About expeditions, I'm bashful to chain for administration that I anticipate that I'm not traveling to accord a lot (so appropriate now I'm alone accomplishing Harder Zakum for the face accessory) because I feel that my bang-up accident is low compared comparing to approved monsters. If I'm accomplishing a campaign I feel like I'm accepting agitated on raw accident or the campaign just disbands because all the humans larboard about instant. I feel like my Gungnir is accomplishing 20%& of the accustomed accident but I can't acquisition a carbon for that like the PC one has the Avoid Aegis stat.

I anticipate that's all for now, acknowledgment for the answers.