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​Madden 19 - Accept some questions about 19

Nov-19-2018 PST

If any accepted Madden players could acknowledgment some of these catechism it would be abundantly appreciated.

Context: I've abandoned played Madden adaptable before, and don't accept a console, so if I heard Madden 19was advancing to PC I was appealing excited. I didn't buy the bold if it came out though, as I was arena Fortnite and Madden Adaptable a lot at the time, and didn't anticipate that I'd be arena Madden abundant to absolve affairs it, but Now that Christmas is advancing around, I'm because affairs or allurement for it if it's on sale.

1.) How abundant time do you charge to absorb on the bold to accept a appropriate team/Can you play it casually?

2.) How abundant of a disadvantage would I be at if I started arena in December compared to the humans arena aback day one, would I be able to just hop in?

3.) Does the bold crave a lot of micro transactions? Would I be spending a lot of money afterwards purchasing the abject game?

4.) How abundant of the playerbase sticks about if the new bold comes out? Would I accept to buy the new Madden 20?

Below by turdfu13... I was an ardent Madden amateur in the PS2 era but took a breach for a while afore acrimonious up Madden 19 on PC about a ages ago.

So while I'm not as accomplished with the newer versions of Madden, I've been arena abundant that I anticipate I can acknowledgment the questions:

1a) Of beforehand you can play Madden accidentally in Authorization approach or Longshot mode.

1b) If you say "have a appropriate team" I'm academic you're apropos to Madden Ultimate Aggregation (MUT). So far I haven't absolutely accepted the address of MUT. It seems to crave hours and hours of cutting simple challenges to put calm a center appropriate roster, so it just wasn't for me. I've had a ton of fun arena Authorization approach and online head-to-head.

2) This depends on how abundant acquaintance you accept with Madden. Did you anytime play on animate in the past? If you accept aught animate acquaintance afresh it may yield a bit of convenance for you to get a feel for the amateur movements and everything, but there's a convenance approach for that. I absolutely wouldn't hop into any online head-to-head on your aboriginal day, I would get adequate arena in Authorization or even Exhibition amateur on All-Pro adversity afore arena online. Also, I'm abiding you apparently apperceive this but accomplish abiding you get a ambassador to play it, don't try to play with keyboard and mouse.

3) MUT is the abandoned approach with microtransactions, and they're targeted arise the humans who don't wish to absorb hours and hours grinding. So no, you don't accept to absorb a dime afterwards purchasing the game.

4) This is the one I can't acknowledgment from experience, but because the PC playerbase is already adequately small, I would brainstorm the online association will be appealing abundant a apparition boondocks already the next bold comes out.