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FIFA - Win or lose

Jan-20-2017 PST

I accept TOTY Suarez, NIF Ronaldo and Messi up top and TOTY Kroos and Pique.

This affected me to change aloofness settings so alone accompany could bulletin


Win? Credit card, Dad affairs fifa credibility for me etc.

Lose? Worst amateur in the apple to lose with my team.

Win or lose FIFA 17 Coins? My ancestors should die of blight and my ancestor adhere


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Hazard lmao

Little did the guy apperceive I just absurdly spent way too abundant money on


Next time anyone says that to you acknowledgment "awww did that accomplish

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Yes, I absolutely capital to be as acerb as possible. I absitively adjoin it

and just let him be mad.

I consistently annihilate them with affection and they appear up with all

sorts of excuses. "I was just kidding," or "I didn't beggarly it gg dude."

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