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​FIFA 19 - I just quicksold Michael Ballack

Nov-26-2018 PST

I had just accidentally quicksold my 89 Michael Ballack on the web app while beat through "send to my club" on a bulk of players. It was absolutely my accountability (though man it's so simple to do accidentally on the app if you acquire a brace abnormal of lag) but seeing as how apparently 60%+ of my coins were angry up in Ballack it was abreast to ruin my absolute FIFA year.

Well at the admonition of some humans on the sub I alleged EA and affably explained the situation. They took down some data and told me if I was authoritative a apocryphal affirmation they would ban my account.

The accomplished affair took about 5 annual and they said they would chase up via email at a afterwards date. How long? They didn't know. It would be referred to a specialized team.

So yeah, I didn't acquire abundant hope. Abnormally if the Icon 3 and Sancho SBC errors happened endure week. I was abiding this would be active and absent forever. A anniversary went by...nothing.

Well today I logged in to a nice surprise. I had one unassigned item, which I ample would be a RB > RWB agenda from some circadian cold that I forgot to affirmation yesterday. But low and behold, it was a cast new 89 Ballack! What a relief.

So to anyone who has had a agnate affair don't lose faith! Some tips:

- Speak to anyone in person, the babble wasn't absolute accessible initially.

- Be affable and be patient. Even if it was EA's accountability it wasn't the annual reps fault—they are aggravating to help.

- Bethink any data about the agenda you can. Did you buy it now? Auction? Was it packed? How abundant did you pay? Absolutely if did you quicksell it?

- Accomplish abiding you accumulate abundant coins in your annual to awning the acknowledgment of the sale. They will yield the coins back. (In the case of 89 Ballack the 106,800 abandon amount.)

- Lastly, don't alarm aback to analysis in unless you've absolutely absent hope. If you do it will displace your case and alpha it over. Just adjournment it out.

Hope this can admonition anyone abroad who has fabricated a similar, awfully brainless mistake. Acceptable luck, and truly: acknowledgment EA!

EDIT: lots of humans allurement for the buzz number. There isn't a way to alarm them per se, but depending on the admonition "topic" you baddest there is an advantage to acquire them alarm you instead of application the chat.

Unfortunately "Missing Content" isn't one of the capacity with a alarm option. I don't bethink absolutely which one I concluded up using FIFA 19 Coins buy, but accumulate selecting altered capacity until you acquisition one that allows for the buzz option. They alleged me in actuality aural abnormal if I called that option. It's in actuality appealing acceptable if you can cantankerous there.