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​Fallout 76 - Suggestion for affected terminals

Jun-17-2019 PST

There are abounding terminals in Fallout 76. Even my affected has three altered terminals, my 'personal' terminal that lets me get notices if circadian and repeatable quests are available, the approved C.A.M.P. terminal that does... well, to be honest it does complete little.

About the alone use for it I've begin so far is to change the blush of absorbed lightboxes, and even that is underwhelming as I acquire to acquire a abstracted terminal and adeptness antecedent for anniversary lightbox to acquire absolute control.

Otherwise, all of the lightboxes get the aforementioned command. There aswell isn't any way to acquire added things like the switches act as triggers to change the ablaze colors.

So I acquire some suggestions rather than just bitching;

1, Amalgamate the functions of the affected terminals. The new one doesn't crave a abstracted adeptness antecedent but does acquire some affectionate of arrangement advice to get the emergency alerts. The old one uses a bounded powerline arrangement but is adequately useless for affected ascendancy or even status. The bell-ringer terminal acutely has some affectionate of advertisement approach and is angry into a arrangement to acquiesce others to see how abounding items in the assorted categories I am selling. Aback I am acquire to be such a hot hacker that I can breach in to any military/government arrangement I run beyond (Master Hacker), why can't I get my affected terminals to allocution to anniversary added and my PIP-boy.

2, I can adeptness circuitous cyberbanking ammunition (tesla rifles, gauss, laser, plasma...), but I can't acquire my affected forward me an active if anyone has visited. Not searching for limited video, just a adequacy like IFTTT that can acquaint me what happened (incursion detected by turret 1, accursed 16 rounds, blackmail eliminated) including if systems are taken off-line (assuming they are affiliated to the powerline network) such as the baptize purifiers, the turrets, adeptness collectors, and added things (tbd).

3, I would in fact like to see how I am doing. I don't allegation to see comparisons to anybody else, but I would like to see stats about my character's actions, like amount of anniversary blazon of animal killed, boilerplate affair time, boilerplate (and min/max) acquaintance per hour, ...lots and lots more. This would be addition abundant use for the terminal I'm abiding all of those stats are kept as abounding are acclimated for assorted challenges.

That is abundant for this post. I acquire added account for agency to accomplish the terminals advantageous afterwards antibacterial the game.