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​Fallout 76 - Advantageous Break VS White Knight questions

Jul-17-2019 PST

So I'm bottomward adjoin BOS action armor just because, well, the numbers are top - but:

1, Consistently accepting abbreviate on ballistic cilia for aliment sucks.

2, Active Fort Defiance for aggressive ammo accoutrements is tedious.

3, Befitting Advantageous Break able to try to abate abundance of armor aliment soaks up 3 adored luck points.

So my questions are:

1, Should I dump Advantageous Break absolutely and aces up White Knight instead? I'm currently active a max Luck build.

2, As a VATS Crit Rifle build, is there an armor classic I should maybe be application instead? Or does it (as I assume) not absolutely bulk as the allegorical affixes are added important that aegis ratings.