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​Astellia Online - Catechism about story/lore/dialogue

Oct-28-2019 PST

I'm the affectionate of getting that tends to adore a bold added if I accept the story- for the a lot of part. I just started playing, but off the bat, the adventure has me affectionate of abashed @.@ so acquisitive anyone can analyze a few things?

What's the aberration amid an Astellian and a brilliant caller? At aboriginal it articulate like they were the aforementioned thing, cheap Astellia Online Asper but afterwards affair Pisces it seems like brilliant callers are added common? And can alone arouse one astel? And an Astellian is like the ultimate adaptation of a brilliant caller, and the can arouse assorted Astels?

Do the humans of this apple apperceive we're an Astellian? Could cause our appearance is referred to as both a brilliant addition and an Astellian- sometimes by the aforementioned NPC (which is breadth my abashing started xD).

Also, why does Rota allege for us if talking to NPC's? Some of the chat sounds like it should be our appearance speaking- is that just localization issues, or is she meant to allege for us?

It's important to agenda adventure wise, the "player" isn't in fact accustomed by others as an Astellian until you complete the adventure at the Nadine Brilliant Caller's Guild, alone Rota recognizes the "Player" as Astellian from the start, the added Astels don't assume to admit this until abreast by Rota in some instances.

After the adventure at Nadine Brilliant Caller's Guild, anybody afresh refers to you as an Astellian. Accumulate in apperception you will accomplishment a adventure (or set of them) at that location, but appear aback afterwards to in fact "finish" it.

It will accept a big continued discourse with graphics/cut arena assuming it afterwards you allocution with the Guild Master, from this point advanced you are clearly accustomed as an Astellian.

The abashing as Trox declared may be due to how the added Astels accredit to the player, this could be a localization issue, or that they themselves don't admit you as one the way Rota does. It's harder to say which it is for abiding based on what the adventure gives.

There are macho Astel's, absolutely a few actually, but a lot of them are barbarian like: Ram, Leo , Vulpecula, Capricorn, Taurus, Corvus, Sirius, Unicorn, Eligos, Braga ect.