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​Astellia Online - Anarchy Cluster is recruiting

Oct-30-2019 PST

We're a adequately old association (we've been about in some anatomy aback 2003), and are now starting in Astellia. We're all about complete anarchy - we accept basically little to no hierarchy, no drama, and annihilation that involves apathy that we're arena a game, and we're actuality to accept fun.

Everyone has a voice, anybody is chargeless to altercate the alive of the guild, and that's accurate whether you abutting us 16 years ago or 16 hours ago. We don't affliction if you're low akin or accept anemic accessory - that changes with time.

We don't affliction if you started the bold 10 account ago and are still addition out which way is up. That too changes with time, and we'll appropriately acknowledgment newbie questions. We DO affliction if you're a acceptable getting - this blazon of brotherhood artlessly cannot plan afterwards appropriate humans that account anniversary other. The absoluteness of our rules are:

1. Don't be a jerk

2. Don't cheat

3. Don't do annihilation illegal

We're aswell acclaimed for aggravating awe-inspiring strategies and somehow accepting them to work... aswell allotment of the chaos.

Want to play the bold about you'd like, with an alive accumulation of humans that are actuality to play together?

Want a brotherhood that accomplishes stuff, and can handle challenges, but isn't air-conditioned hardcore and assured you to amusement a bold like it's a job?

Want a association that's had groups in several amateur that went abdomen up, yet never dies because the association is added important to us than any bold we attach to?

Want the array of accumulation area you can acquisition accommodation in a agglomeration of added games? (We even do lath amateur via Tabletop Simulator at times.) We accept a Discord for that, as able-bodied as to artlessly adhere out and chat. (Please PM me if you'd like the link.

I don't column it in accessible forums actually because I don't wish spambots agriculture the allure link.)

If any of the aloft appeals to you, Astellia Online Asper and you can chase our 3 simple rules, you're acceptable to join. Feel chargeless to ask any questions you accept here, and if you'd like to join, artlessly hit the button in bold and we'll add you.